Elevate Your Home To a Whole New Level of Efficiency and Eco-Friendliness With Innovia Power Solutions.

Utilize the power of the sun and use Innovia Power’s outstanding solar panel installations to turn your house and place of business into an energy-efficient perfect existence. Discover the difference with our professional assistance, easy installation, and continuous support.

Innovia Power

Brightening Pakistan's Path Towards a Sustainable Energy Future

Innovia Power stands as Pakistan’s beacon of sustainable energy, empowering homes and businesses with the transformative power of solar technology. Our passion is to completely transform Pakistan’s energy sector and open the door to a more promising and sustainable future for all.

Innovia Power is a partner in the switch to a sustainable lifestyle, not just a provider of solar energy. Our commitments are to:

  • Exceeding client expectations by providing outstanding assistance and resolute support.
  • keeping up with innovations and making adjustments for the changing solar energy market.
  • Creative funding solutions to enable everyone to use solar power.

With Innovia Power, start your solar energy adventure and discover the revolutionary potential of sustainable energy. Together, we can light up Pakistan with a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future.

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Years Experience

Use Pure Renewable Energy's Potential

Solar energy is a continuously renewable, cost-free power source that never runs out. Go for the amazing benefits of solar energy, a clean source that produces electricity without polluting the environment or producing greenhouse gases.

Lighten the Load: Generate Your Electricity - Reduce Bills

Put solar panels on your roof or any open space to take control of your energy source. Produce your own electricity and you will not only save a significant amount of money on your energy bills, but your property will also have additional worth.

Preserving Planet: Commitment for Generations

By serving as a shield against solar radiation, solar panels help keep the Earth's surface away from getting overly heated. Choosing solar energy is a progressive move that actively supports maintaining the ecological balance of our planet.

Who We Are?

Where Custom Solar Solutions Meet Your Unique Energy Demands

At Innovia Power, we offer outstanding solar systems customized to meet your specific energy requirements. With our smooth integration of renewable energy, you may promote sustainability and save your electricity bills.

We carefully design each solar system to reduce your energy use and maximize your savings, from performing thorough energy evaluations to ensuring professional installation and maintenance. Our constant attention to client satisfaction guarantees a faultless and appealing solar experience.

With Innovia Power, you can:

  • Lower your electricity costs significantly—by up to 80%—to increase your financial stability and realize huge cost savings.
  • Embrace a sustainable future by demonstrating your commitment to environmental responsibility and reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Increase the value of your property by adding a significant, environmentally beneficial feature that separates you from competitors and brings in eco-aware clients.

Explore the Diverse Capabilities of Hybrid Solar Systems

Instead of supplying extra DC power back into the grid, Our hybrid solar system allows you to store it in batteries. When the solar panels are not producing power, this stored energy turns into a useful resource.

Explore the Pros of Connecting Your Solar Power to the Grid

Through the use of solar panels, our advanced grid-connected solar power plant converts sunlight into electrical energy. You may power your space efficiently and earn credits by sharing excess energy with the grid and reduce bills, through inverters that easily convert to AC power.

Why choose us

Choosing Innovia Power - A Decision Grounded in Excellence

We think that everyone deserves to have access to reasonably priced, sustainable, and clean energy. For this reason, we’re dedicated to providing all of our clients—residential and commercial—the greatest solar solutions available.
What we offer

Strategic Energy Solutions for a Better Society with Innovia Power

Commercial Solar

Find out excellence in Business Solar Solutions! revive your business with innovative, eco-friendly solutions.

Battery Storage

With the latest in battery storage solutions from Innovia Power, you can increase your energy control and independence.

EV Chargers

As the world transitions towards (EVs). Innovia Power is here to alleviate these concerns and provide you with the assurance you need to.

LED Lighting

With our energy-efficient LED lighting options, you may enhance your surroundings. Experience lighting that transforms with improved brightness and enhanced elegance.

Energy Audit

Energy costs can be a significant burden for homeowners and businesses alike. Innovia Power's energy audits provide the key to unlocking hidden savings, optimizing energy efficiency.

Electrical Services

You can rely on Innovia Power, your one-stop solution for thorough and efficient electrical services, for all of your electrical needs.
Together, we can fulfill dreams, and create a cleaner, greener world for generations to come.
Start on a path to a future where dreams become reality. The largest supplier of solar energy in Pakistan, Innovia Power, warmly welcomes you to join in.
Most Frequently Asked Questions

How may we assist you today?

What is Solar Energy and How Does It Operate?

Using the light from the sun to generate electricity is a source that is environmentally friendly. Solar panels, also referred to as photovoltaic (PV) panels, collect sunlight and transform it into direct current (DC) electricity. This DC electricity is then transformed into alternating current (AC) via an inverter, allowing you to power your home or place of business.

What Advantages Does Solar Energy Bring to My Home or Business?

There are many benefits associated with solar energy. By installing solar panels, you may significantly reduce or perhaps totally remove dependency on traditional grid electricity, which will save your energy costs. In addition to its economic advantages, solar energy is eco-friendly since it produces clean electricity without emitting any pollutants. Installing solar panels can also increase the value of your home and guarantee a long-term, dependable supply of energy.

What is the Lifespan of Solar Panels and What Warranty is Provided?

Solar panels are made with lifespan and durability in consideration. A 25-year manufacturer’s warranty is usually included with solar panels, guaranteeing their continued functionality and electricity output. These solar panels may produce electricity continuously for up to 30 years, or more, with proper maintenance.

Can Solar Panels Produce Sufficient Electricity to Power My Entire Home or Business?

Of course. Depending on your energy use and solar panel system size, your home or business may be able to run entirely on solar power. Any extra power produced at times when solar production is at its highest can be fed back into the grid to potentially earn you credits or feed-in tariffs.

What Should I Keep in Mind When Selecting a Solar Panel System?

When selecting a solar panel system, consider the panel’s efficiency and quality, the installer’s and manufacturer’s reputations, the system size that best suits your energy needs, the warranty, and the available after-sale support. It’s also critical to assess the solar potential of your location and take care of any possible shading concerns that could affect the system’s functionality.

How Does Innovia Power Guarantee the Quality and Reliability of Its Solar Installations?

At Innovia Power, we put a high value on quality and client happiness. We select premium solar panels and parts from reputable manufacturers with careful selection. Our skilled installers follow the best standards in the business to guarantee accurate and effective installs. We provide thorough warranties and ongoing support to ensure your solar energy system operates reliably for a long time.


Pakistan's most trusted Solar Installers With Positive Google reviews

Ahsan from Innovia Power was excellent; he helped us with every step of the procedure, even getting the government to approve the reimbursements. Additionally, he was prepared to modify his quotation for any particular models I requested after conducting my own research. Additionally, the installation crew was excellent.

Ammar Khalil

Another family member told me about Innovia Power. Faisal Akhtar gave excellent customer service. He helped to finish the applications on schedule and swiftly supplied all the information needed for the installation. I suggest using Innovia Power. Excellent and prompt service. Extremely prompt and attentive.

Zahid Iqbal

We had our solar system installed at our house, and we were so pleased with the work the Innovia Power staff did that we recommended them to a few other people in my area, who also had their solar systems installed. I received updates on the Government Solar Rebate plan at every stage, from installation to completion.

Zuhaib Ali

Nadeem Ahmed was extremely kind and helpful while responding to my inquiries. He provided me with very useful advice about the best solar panel types and numbers for my home. In addition, he responded to me promptly and completed the installation of the solar panels quickly. I appreciate your excellent service.


Innovia Power installed 12 solar panels for me over the weekend. Ahsan and his team performed a fantastic job on my property; he was able to guide me through each step and make it less difficult for me. The boys performed an outstanding job with outstanding ethics. I had a wonderful experience with Innovia Power.

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Learn about the Potential of Solar Energy and Get Started on the Path to a Sustainable Future Now.

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